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Essential Tips to Get Your Acne Under Your Control Now

What leads to clogging?
Acne for the most part is genetic and it tends to run in families as an inherited defect in your pores. So if your parents had acne, there are a lot of chances that your siblings or you might develop it as well. Apart from the genes, acne could also be caused due to the excessive exposure to the sun, climatic changes as well as some seasonal changes. Several types of cosmetic products and birth control pills can worsen the acne breakout as well. Here are a few things that can keep your acne in check.
Adjust Your Make-up
Make-up is believed to be one of the major factors that lead to acne problems in adult women, especially the oil based products. The oil comes from the fatty acids and is more powerful than your own natural oils. Hence always make sure you buy non-oily products
Wash Your Face Properly
It does not matter how tired you may be, always wash your face properly. Make sue of a mild soap and wash it at least twice a day. Before you apply the soap make sure that you rinse your face thoroughly with water.
Make use of less Make-up
No matter, what make up you use, it is always beneficial to stay away from all artificial products.
Leave them Alone
Do not try to squeeze or ooze out the pimples or the white heads. The pimple is simply an inflammation and you would only be worsening the situation by squeezing it. This could also lead to infections in most cases. Moreover a pimple will surely go away within four to six weeks.
Be Aware of When to Squeeze
Although we just mentioned that pimples are best when they are left alone, however there are kinds that need to be squeezed out of the face in order to get rid of it. Well, whenever a pimple has the little yellow part in the center which is called the pus. Whenever you squeeze this gently, it will come out in a proper way and such a pimple will heal even more quickly.
Remove Blackheads
There are a number of ways to get rid of the blackheads. You can either get rid of them by squeezing them or by making use of the pore remover strips. Blackheads are mere clogs in the skin and whenever you remove those, the skin can breathe better.
Be Extra Careful With Dry Skin
Dry skin is considered to be very sensitive to most of the skin treatments available over the counter and hence you need to make use of those creams that can be compatible with your skin type. Start with the mildest product first and then move upwards to the concentrated ones.
Keep Away From Sun
Many a times, acne medications could produce adverse effects when exposed to the sun and hence it would be best to minimize your exposure unless you are sure of what reactions can happen. In case if you want to check on the side effects of the acne medication, you can expose your acne into the sun for shorter periods and it could be very beneficial.
Stop Spreading the Acne
Always apply the acne medications about two inches around the affected area in order to stop the acne from spreading. Acne grows across the face from nose to the ear, so you would also need to treat beyond the affected area. A majority of us only treat the pimples and forget the surrounding parts and that is where the problem starts.
Hope this information will help you prevent acne, if not, at least deal with it in a better way.

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